Posts in Weight Loss
How To Become A "Smooth Operator" For The Weight Loss Win

When we’re “smooth operators”, we have less need to escape the pressure of life with food & alcohol because life just becomes easier. There is less resistance because we’re able to avoid conflict. Opportunities appear out of nowhere. Smooth operators are persuasive in our interpersonal relationships and business negotiations vs. forceful. We accomplish things with efficiency and grace because we’re relaxed.

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How Social Media Makes Us Neurotic (and sometimes overweight & addicted)

It’s no secret that when we compare our reality to someone else’s “touched up highlight real” on social media, it results in perceived inferiority and produces feelings of inadequacy. These insidious feelings of inadequacy is what leads to neurosis and low self esteem- which makes us highly susceptible to food and alcohol dependency.

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How To Give All Your Power Away And NEVER Achieve Your Weight Goal

How do we acknowledge & respond to our fear & distress without giving our power away? The answer is: we seek courage, support, and guidance from within ourselves. We identify the root cause of our fear & distress and figure out how to solve the problem. We create security where there is insecurity. We become antifragile where we’re fragile.

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How To Stop Abandoning Yourself For Weight Loss Success

Self abandonment is a pattern of behavior. It involves numbing our feelings or reacting recklessly & carelessly to them. It’s a pattern that keeps us compromising our short term safety and/ or long term security. We end up self sabotaging with compulsive &/or impulsive behavior. Overeating/ drinking alcohol is a common way to avoid feelings or get rid of unwanted feelings.

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Weight Loss Is About Skills!

To become more deliberate practice pausing & visualizing the result of your impending action. Ask yourself if the pictured result is one that you truly want. If it is, then truly commit to the action Not fully committing to action is a huge roadblock and source of frustration for many people. Once you’ve deliberated carefully, go all in with the action you pictured to create what you truly want.

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How To Confront Our Fear, Rather Than Escape Our Fear For Weight Loss Success!

Instead of eating, drinking, watching TV, scrolling social media (or other forms of escapism) to avoid fear, we can choose to respond to fear in a conscious, intentional way.

Anger- Build a strong, healthy body- don’t do things that weaken your body!

Sadness- Build strong, trusted bonds (with sane people)- don’t weaken those bonds!

Anxiety- Develop a valuable skill/ trade and figure out how to use it for the good of mankind- don’t waste your time & mental energy on things that don’t matter!

Boredom- Seek diversification of experiences, skills, associations- refuse to stay small!

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How To Be "Picky" For Permanent Weight Loss

Being picky starts with the belief that “I deserve the best”. When you truly believe that, you don’t just accept what is being offered. You go out and seek what you want. You’re deliberate. You carefully decide what kind of friends you want, what clothes you’ll wear, what kind of food you’ll eat, & what you’ll base your truth on BEFORE it‘s offered to you. You don’t hang out with just anyone, you don’t consume just any media, you don’t believe just any ideas, or wear any fashion….you’re picky! The one question to ask yourself: is this choice going to help me create the life I truly want?

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