How To Stop Abandoning Yourself For Weight Loss Success
Self abandonment is a pattern of behavior. It involves numbing our feelings or reacting recklessly & carelessly to them. It’s a pattern that keeps us compromising our short term safety and/ or long term security. We end up self sabotaging with compulsive &/or impulsive behavior. Overeating/ drinking alcohol is a common way to avoid feelings or get rid of unwanted feelings.
This is how to break patterns of self abandonment to create a life you love:
Allow yourself to have feelings and needs. If you listen, your feelings will tell you what you need and when you meet your needs in a thoughtful way, you create trust with yourself!
Stay present with your difficult to interpret feelings (AKA “overwhelm”) until you’re able to clearly identify them.
Express your values through your work, creative pursuits, fashion, hobbies, interests, or passion projects. Spend time rediscovering what you like and what truly matters to you.
Be kind and understanding towards yourself when confronted with personal failings. Instead of making excuses for destructive behavior or beating yourself up, notice patterns and change them. Look for the irrational belief behind self destructive behavior.
Practice being assertive in creating trusted alliances- ones in which both parties are honest and truthful with themselves and gain an advantage from the association.
Constrain your beliefs. Check your beliefs and limit them to ideas & opinions that strengthen your ability to make sound judgments.
Our emotions require attention. If we ignore them by reaching for an external distraction, we are not being loyal to ourselves. The good news is, we can learn this SKILL OF INHIBITION- facing discomfort and constructively responding to it!