How To Become Enlightened For Permanent Weight Loss Results

“Bamboozled” is an antonym for “Enlightened”. Bamboozled means easily mystified, misled, duped. Bamboozled people are easy to spot because they live dazed and confused and don’t make sense when they talk- unless you happen to speaking the same nonsense!

I’m on a mission to enlighten people- make them extremely observant of reality- real cause & effect relationships. To do this, we have to block out the BS, preconceived notions and start collecting our own data. The data is going to take this form: “When I do this, it has this effect. “

When it comes to weight loss, your cause/ effect observations might sound something like this:

  • When I eat sugar or consume alcohol, I become more physically hungry, more emotionally unstable, and less clear in my thinking.

  • When I do low intensity cardio, my physical appetite increases.

  • When I do high intensity cardio, my physical appetite decreases.

  • When I keep track of my emotions and allow them all, I don’t use food or alcohol to soothe my internal environment.

  • When I depend on people to keep me safe, rather than being alert, strategic, and skilled I feel unstable and tend to eat/ drink more.

  • When I eat first thing in the morning I tend to become more physically hungry throughout the day.

  • When I eat protein and veggies in the morning, I tend to feel less physical hunger throughout the day.

  • When I watch the news or consume social media, I tend to eat/ drink more.

  • When I lift heavy weights, I am more stable in my mood, emotions, and appetite.

  • When I drink caffeine, I am less composed, unable to get clarity in my thinking, and less effective overall.

I encourage you to become a scientist, which includes becoming extremely observant of your own patterns. Come up with your own cause/ effect relationships based on your own experience!

Today is the day that you stop believing BS, and start getting in tune with reality- real cause & effect relationships based on your own observations, rather than preconceived notions! Today is the day you become empowered & free!