How Social Media Makes Us Neurotic (and sometimes overweight & addicted)

It’s no secret that when we compare our reality to someone else’s “touched up highlight real” on social media, it results in perceived inferiority and produces chronic feelings of inadequacy. These insidious feelings of inadequacy is what leads to neurosis and low self esteem.

The following are signs that we may be developing an inferiority complex:

  1. We over analyze compliments & criticism. We’re greatly affected by others’ opinions.

  2. We persistently look for praise & validation from others.

  3. We pull away from live social events with family, friends, or colleagues.

  4. We attempt to make others feel insecure.

  5. We refuse to participate in competitive events.

If you’re constantly worrying about measuring up to others or turning down invites to avoid interacting with people you believe are better than you, chances are, you’re struggling with chronic feelings of inadequacy.

When you believe that everyone else is better than you (maybe even subconsciously), it can take the enjoyment out of life and keep you from doing your best work. Living life with an inferiority complex is harmful for the following reasons:

  1. It will put you at risk for developing addictions. It’s common to become dependent on alcohol and/or food to get through the day when living with feelings of insufficiency. Dependency on alcohol and/or food lowers self worth and leads to health complications.

  2. It will put you at risk for depression. Constantly second guessing and shrinking yourself can lead to feelings of depression.

  3. It will take away from your focus on tasks and keep you from performing at your highest level.

  4. It will keep you from being present and fully enjoying your loved ones company.

  5. It will increase your chances of developing a sleeping disorder.

  6. It will increase you chances of experiencing feelings of suicidal ideation.

The best way to cure an inferiority complex is to:

  1. Become firmly rooted in your identity. Remind yourself of your values, roles, and goals every day.

  2. Understand that we’re all inferior to someone in some way. There isn’t one person who has everything. If there’s a characteristic that you see in someone else that you admire, remind yourself that you can work on developing that trait if you really want it.

If you have found yourself struggling with chronic feelings of inferiority, please know you’re not alone. Call me (after you deactivate your social media accounts) and we’ll celebrate together and talk about your next steps in becoming the most confident you!