How To Give All Your Power Away And NEVER Achieve Your Weight Goal
When we seek affirmation (AKA emotional support or encouragement) from anything outside ourselves, we give our power away. When we give our power away, we break trust with ourselves and seek more & more validation from outside ourselves. It’s a downward spiral and addictive cycle that ends in the betrayal of our own soul.
Things that give our power away are those things we turn to in times of distress. We give our power to whomever we seek guidance from or whatever/ whoever soothes our agitation/ fears. Maybe it’s our best friend, our sister, our mom, the wine bottle, the news/ social media (people who agree with us), the margarita, the box of DOTS, the bag of chips, a therapist, counselor, pastor, husband, coworker….whatever relieves our tension & whomever we complain to, seek advice from, or seek “thatta girls” from.
So, what is the proper response to fear & agitation? How do we acknowledge & respond to our fear & distress without giving our power away? The answer is: we seek courage, support, and guidance from within ourselves. We identify the root cause of our fear & distress and figure out how to solve the problem. We create security where there is insecurity. We become antifragile where we’re fragile.
Picking up the phone and talking about our problems, turning on the television, getting on social media, and picking up the chips end in the same result- giving our power away.
My main role as a coach isn’t to give advice- it’s to teach you how to get in touch with your own wisdom, your own courage, and your own self-affirming abilities. This is how we become strong and healthy from the inside out. This is also why the solution I offer is about so much more than weight loss and is permanent for most of my clients!
If you’d like to know more about my program or apply to get on my waitlist, email me or visit the “work with me” page on my website.