When You Don't Receive The Support You Hoped For On Your Weight Loss Journey
Do you ever find yourself wishing your partner, family members, or friends would support you more as you set out to create weight loss results for yourself? Do you ever find yourself blaming them for bringing sweets into the house or suggesting going out for meals too often? Well, I hope to free you from that thinking by reminding you that responsibility equals empowerment. When you’re willing to take full responsibility for your weight loss results, regardless of circumstances, you’ll become fully empowered. Isn’t that great news?! No one else can sabotage your journey and no circumstance will derail your efforts when you remember you, and only you, are responsible for your results. Supporting yourself is your job. When you focus on doing that, you don’t “need” anyone else’s support. Any support you receive is just “bonus”, and it’s so much sweeter to receive support when it’s not expected.
Support yourself on your weight loss journey because it’s your job, and because it feels amazing to connect with yourself and meet your own needs. I will show you how to become fully empowered in this area of your life through my eight week weight loss program. Email me: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com to schedule a FREE mini coaching session.