Mastery Of Anything Involves Your Ability To Overcome Discouragement

Overcoming discouragement is a skill that we have to develop and practice. It’s NOT our natural inclination, since our primitive brain is wired to seek comfort, avoid pain, and expend minimal effort. When we’re faced with challenges, our primitive brain tells us to quit, reminding us, “it was a terrible idea in the first place”. Mastery of your weight involves you ability to overcome discouragement. When you don’t see the scale move as quickly as you want, when you eat off plan, when you’re just not feeling it…these are the times you have to dig deep and overcome what your primitive brain wants you to believe. You do this using your higher brain (the prefrontal cortex) by: reminding yourself why you want to achieve your goal, reminding yourself how far you’ve come, believing in your ability to reach your goal, and reminding yourself that your long term goals are worth supporting.

I teach this skill, and many others you’ll need, for mastery of weight loss. If you’d like more information about my eight week program, email me: