What Are You Really Craving? Choosing Mindful Connection For Weight Loss.
As humans, we’re wired for connection. Too often, food, shopping, and social media act as cheap substitutes for the real connection we need and crave.
Connection doesn’t have to be with someone else. It can be with yourself. Taking some time to connect with your thoughts and feelings is a great way to meet this desire for connection. Meditation and journaling are practices that facilitate this connection. You may also want to periodically check in with yourself throughout the day and ask, “what am I feeling” and “what do I need”. It’s a simple, mindful practice that may keep you from reaching for a snack when you aren’t truly hungry.
You will also benefit from loving and connecting with those around you. Slow down, be present, take interest in people, appreciate them. Look for ways to admire, appreciate, and support the people in your life. When we’re focused on love and connection, our cravings for things that don’t get us to our weight loss goals (flour, sugar, processed food, alcohol) dissipate.
Figuring out what you’re really craving is an important key to losing weight and effortlessly maintaining your results. I can help you through this process. Apply on my website so we can determine if you’re a good fit for my eight week weight loss program.