How To Tell If You're Trying To Lose Weight By "Taking An Aspirin To Heal A Broken Leg"

Most people who were trained in traditional weight coaching methods are trained to treat the symptoms, rather than the cause of the problem. They might tell us what to eat and how to exercise, but they’re not actually getting to the root of the action or inaction that has created our unwanted results. It’s like taking aspirin for a broken leg vs. casting it to heal it permanently. It’s easier for the coach to “give aspirin and tell the patient to swallow it”, but the result of the treatment is temporary and ultimately ineffective.

Good coaching always seeks to find the cause. You can treat the problem by trying to change actions (symptoms), but unless you have a coach to help you uncover and treat the cause of the actions, you won’t be getting a permanent solution.

I could treat your symptoms by helping you find ways to stop overeating, but this wouldn’t be sustainable. Instead, I focus on what is causing my clients to overeat. The cause of overeating is always thoughts and feelings. Therefore, I work at the cognitive/ emotional level to permanently create change at the behavior level. This ends the struggle against overeating exactly the way the casting and healing a bone prevents the need for continued aspirin to alleviate pain.

The results we experience in our lives are directly created by our thoughts. The problem is not being overweight or the overeating that leads to being overweight. The problem is our thoughts that have led to overeating.

Most people are convinced that they can solve their weight problem by focusing on eating less or exercising more. I know, by experience overcoming my own weight struggle, and helping many others overcome theirs, that it’s one layer deeper than that. I’ll show you how to solve this problem, and then, from there, you’ll become empowered to tackle other areas of your life where you may feel “stuck”. Sign up for a complimentary strategy session on my website.