3 Things You Can Do Today To Get Your Appetite In Check


Does it ever seem like your hunger and/or desire for food are out of control? If it does, the following tips and tricks will put you back in the driver’s seat where your appetite is concerned.

  1. Eliminate flour and sugar. When food is concentrated, the reward response in the brain is intensified, which creates overdesire This is often why we feel out of control and as if we’re eating against our own will.

  2. Eat 3 x’s/ day. This will help you get back in touch with your true, physical hunger. The desire to eat in between meals is often a response to emotional hunger. When there is desire to eat something in between meals, ask yourself what it is you’re truly desiring. Maybe it’s comfort connection, relaxation, excitement/ motivation? Determine what you’re truly wanting and schedule it into your day in a way that serves you.

  3. Slow down and relax to be able to tune into the physical cues your body gives you. Start eating when your stomach begins growling, and stop eating when you feel food in your stomach.

The more you practice these suggestions, the stronger the neural pathways in your brain become, and eventually, being in the driver’s seat of your appetite will become your new “normal”.

I hope these tips help you in your weight loss journey. If you’d like more help for your particular situation I’m glad to strategize with you during a 20 minute mini coaching session. Email me: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com to get scheduled, as I have a limited number of spots left for this week.