How To Reverse Metabolic Damage From Dieting


According to most theories, “metabolic damage” refers to a condition where various physiological systems have been disrupted, and as a result, your metabolism burns less energy than it should. The common causes of metabolic damage are believed to be remaining in a calorie deficit for too long, starvation dieting, and doing too much cardio.

Studies show that the metabolic decline associated with dieting, including long periods of very-low-calorie dieting, ranges from less than 5 to about 15 percent. Another piece of good news: these metabolic adaptations can be easily reversed by raising your calories, lifting weights, and eating a high protein diet.

So, instead of buying into the belief that you’re “broken”, know that you have ways to empower yourself and reverse any metabolic damage that has occurred from previous “very low calorie” periods of eating or doing too much cardio. For every obstacle, there is a strategy….you CAN achieve your weight goal.