How To Make Time For Weight Loss
Whatever you spend your time on is what is most important to you. We have to sit down with clarity and intentionally plan our days, or else the days will happen to us and the result is not one that will ultimately fulfill us.
There’s no such thing as not having enough time. You make time for the things that are important to you. Ask yourself, what is important to me? Get out of the unconscious cycle and think about the long term pleasure of reaching your weight goal and staying there. Also, consider what is truly at stake.
We can deliberately create and manage time. The more you plan, the freer you’ll be. The more you plan the more you’ll be able to deliver yourself the results you want. You will feel so much more in control of your life. You make time by planning.
The second practice that creates time is making decisions strongly. One of the biggest wastes of time is indecision. You can waste time contemplating a decision and waste time worrying about the decision you made after you make it.
It might seem tedious to plan and it might seem hard to make strong decisions, but they’re two of the most exciting, life-changing things you can do. This isn’t just about getting a new planner- this is about changing your relationship with yourself. It’s about making yourself a priority and keeping commitments to yourself.
I’d be glad to coach you on making time for weight loss or something else pertaining to your weight loss journey during a free 20 minute coaching session. Email me: to schedule a time.