11 Ways To Boost Your Impulse Control For Weight Loss
Nothing undermines impulse control like stress. The more stressed we feel, the more likely we are to lose sight of what is truly important to us because we’re zeroed in on seeking immediate “relief”. Unmanaged stress can lead to overeating, overspending, and many other things that we regret.
How do most people cope with stress? Food, alcohol, video games, television, shopping, and internet use are the usual “go to’s”. Most people who use these strategies often rate them as ineffective. Often these coping methods lead to guilt, followed by more indulging, followed by more guilt, and so on.
If quick fixes to stress don’t work, what should we do instead? Planned, deliberate relaxation is the key. It’s a skill we have to learn.
Slow down your breathing. Exhale through your mouth slowly and fully with your lips pursed as you were blowing through a straw.
Enjoy nice smells. Aromatherapy is a great method for reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
Get a massage. It promotes relaxation and also reduces pain, anxiety, depression, and boosts immunity.
Have more sex. Regular sex reduces anxiety, stress,, depression, and improves mood, happiness and resilience.
Get more sleep. Getting enough sleep allows you the mental energy needed to keep making choices in your long term best interest.
Go for a walk. Taking leisurely walks reduces frustration and improves mood.
Consume less media. Exposing yourself to a constant barrage of bad news, scare tactics, and a highlight reel of everything “wrong” in the world increases the likelihood of overeating.
Take a hot bath. Regular dips in hot water are healthful and restorative. they improve blood sugar control and other markers of metabolic health.
Drink green tea. It offers high doses of the amino acid L-theanine and ascorbic acid, which have know anti-stress properties.
Listen to classical music. It can sharpen your mind, engage your emotions, lower blood pressure, lessen physical pain and depression, and help you sleep better.
Exercise regularly. Exercise reduces cravings, makes us more resistant to stress and depression, and optimizes overall brain function.
It’s important not to think of stress as the enemy. Acute stress actually enhances immunity. The problem is that we’re not proactively planning for relaxation and stress becomes chronic. Let’s get smart about planning relaxation and moving one step closer to reaching our weight goal.
I’m opening my schedule for 5 strategy sessions this week. If you’d like to reserve a spot for a free 20 minute coaching call, email me: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com.