How To Destress Without Using Food

Emotional eating is especially rampant during times like these (the COVID 19 outbreak/ quarantine). Eating due to stress is an emotional knee-jerk reaction that has developed due to repetition. We’ve done it enough times to know it quickly calms us down and comforts us.

The connection between food and comfort is suggested by commercials that we watch all the time. And, maybe your mom offered you a cookie to help you feel better in your childhood? There’s also a natural response that we all have to cortisol that ignites cravings for sugary, fatty foods during times of stress.

The good news is you don’t have to be a victim of any of these contributing factors. There are other ways to cope, which will make a huge difference to your waistline and your health.

  1. Gain perspective on the situation. Look at it from all angles. See the positives.

  2. Turn off the news. Get the facts and stay informed from sources you trust and know that those things are separate from the “story”.

  3. Give yourself a massage. By massaging tight spots, we can release feel-good chemicals in our bodies. I recommend using a tennis ball.

  4. Have a cup of tea. A cup of black tea can reduce your cortisol levels significantly.

  5. Get some sleep. When we miss sleep, our hunger hormones are thrown off.

  6. Walk off the stress. Start a new habit by responding to stress with exercise.

  7. Distract your brain. Engage in something that’s stimulating to your brain such as a word puzzle.

  8. Relax like a rag doll. Literally. Dropdown your muscles as if you were a rag doll. Tense up and then assume the rag doll position again.

  9. Deep breathe. Slow down your breathing. 5 seconds in and pretend like you’re blowing through a straw on the exhale.

So remember, your stress starts in your brain. You have total control over how you perceive the circumstances in your life. Once you gain perspective, you can cope with negative emotions in ways that serve you. I hope these suggestions help! For more information about my 12 Week Total Mind Body Transformation Program, visit my website. You can also sign up for a free mini coaching session there.