A Simple Way To Combat Mid-Afternoon or Early Evening Cravings

combat cravings

Are mid- afternoon cravings derailing you from eating according to your plan? You’re not alone. This is the most common time for people to crave foods that are sweet, crunchy, and salty. I help my clients plan for these times by sharing tips to banish the cravings- a few of which I will share here.

When you are in the”go, go, go” phase of your day, the neurotransmitter dopamine helps to keep your appetite at bay. By mid afternoon, “the relax and calm down” phase is beginning. Serotonin will eventually take over, but it’s common to crave carbs to facilitate the serotonin production that’s required for this next phase. If you plan something other than food to help the process along, you will be cooperating with your body without sacrificing your goals. Some ideas include: taking a walk, diffusing essential oils, a massage (even rubbing your own feet), getting fresh air and sunlight, journaling, meditation, or reading a book.

In summary, the key to combating late afternoon cravings is to watch your patterns and identify the time that you crave food you haven’t planned to eat. Then, plan to do something at that time to relax and raise serotonin levels.

If late afternoon cravings aren’t what’s keeping you from achieving your goal weight, I have many other tools and strategies that will help you stay on track. I can help you with your specific situation during a free mini coaching session. Email me: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com to inquire about scheduling a time to discuss your weight loss challenge.