What Does Being Overweight Say About Us As People?

Have you ever thought you were better than, or less than someone else based on your weight? Have you ever failed at a diet and made it mean something about you, as a person? If you have, you’re confused….and that’s ok. We’re going to get some things straightened out in this post.

You are an awesome, 100% loveable, capable and worthy person, regardless of how much you weigh. If you weigh more than you want to weigh, it’s simply because you haven’t mastered the skills that are necessary to be at the weight you want.

There are nutrition and exercise components that are very helpful in a weight loss journey. But, the reason you are overweight is because you’re overeating- eating more than your body requires for fuel. One of the main reason we eat more than our body requires for fuel, is because we’re relying on food to give us things that we can be giving ourselves from an emotional/ cognitive perspective.

There are two main skills I teach my clients so they can become they can become empowered in the area of food intake.

  1. Allowing emotion- Understanding negative emotion is part of the human experience is key. We practice feeling negative emotion, rather than resisting or avoiding. My clients come to understand for themselves that emotion grows us in our perspective of ourselves, others, and the world. Emotion (negative and positive) is not something that is harmful and needs to be escaped. When we stop resisting and avoiding our emotion, our desire for food radically diminishes.

  2. Managing thoughts- We don’t change thoughts in order to feel better, but our thoughts change as a function of being willing to be honest and present with ourselves and our emotions- and knowing we have options as to how we think about things. We also practice creating thoughts on purpose to generate desired emotion, which fuels our actions. You’ll be amazed at the actions you’re able to take that align with your goals, when you manage your mind properly.

If you evaluate yourself negatively because you’re overweight, please stop. Unhitch your weight from who you are. Have compassion for yourself, and know you simply haven’t learned and practiced the necessary skills to achieve the weight you want.

If losing weight was as simple as following a nutrition and exercise plan, we’d all be at our goal weights, since the information is readily available. The solution to permanent weight loss isn’t complicated, but it does take a bit of self honesty and being willing to dig a little deeper than a traditional nutrition and exercise plan. I’ll teach you the necessary skills and set you up for mastery.

Contact me for a free mini coaching session: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com, so we can strategize about how to get you to your goal.

what does being overweight say about us