The One Skill You Need To Take The Stress Out Of Weight Loss

Does thinking about weight loss stress you out? If it does, it may help to realize you’re completely normal. Most people I coach start my eight week program feeling extremely stressed. I’m going to teach you the same skill that I teach them. It will reduce your stress about weight loss forever. Gone.

The way to stop feeling stressed about weight loss is to think about it in new ways. That’s right. You have the power to change how you feel, simply by changing how you think about something. Your thoughts are 100% optional.

Ask yourself your most stressful thoughts about weight loss. One of the most stressful thoughts I hear is, “I CAN’T EAT…..”. Anytime you have a thought that YOU CAN’T do something, it’s giving your power away and it creates resistance (stress). I always remind my clients that they can choose to eat whatever they’d like (and that’s the truth). They get to decide what they eat to create the results they want.

Decide how you want to feel about weight loss. Perhaps empowered? Excited? Relaxed? Now, ask yourself what you need to believe about yourself to feel this way. Perhaps, “I am completely capable of doing what it takes”? What thoughts about your weight loss journey do you need to have to generate these feelings? Maybe, “It’s going to feel so amazing to be done with the weight struggle for good”?

You can choose to think about yourself and weight loss in these ways ON PURPOSE. You are intentionally creating emotion with your thoughts. What better use of your brain?

So, your two takeaways: 1. Your thoughts are completely optional. 2. You can use your thoughts to generate the emotion you want to have on your weight loss journey. You get to decide.

Weight loss really can be stress free and I’d be glad to help you work on your thoughts during a free mini coaching session. Email me to sign up for a 30 minute consultation: