Healthy Behaviors Start Here

Ever wonder why attempts to change eating and/ or exercise habits are short-lived? It all starts with an understanding of human behavior. Our thoughts create feelings and feelings drive actions. So… to permanently change actions, we have to start at the thought level. Write down your current thoughts about food, weight, your body, exercise. At first, you’ll think you’re just writing down facts but look at the list again. Can you prove those things in a court of law? If not, they’re just thoughts….and they’re optional. Decide if your thoughts are moving you forward? Are they energizing you to take positive action? Or are they keeping you stuck? This is the highest level of thinking by the way…” thinking about how you think”. And, it’s the way to create lasting behavior change.

These are some examples of thoughts that create positive emotion/ behavior in the area of food, weight, and body:

  • I am enough, exactly as I am

  • I am deeply loved

  • I can do hard things

  • There’s plenty of time to food prep/ exercise

  • I schedule comfort into my day, rather than eat for comfort

  • Hard work feels amazing

  • There’s nothing wrong with me

  • I’m responsible for everything I think and feel

  • Everything I eat/ don’t eat is a choice

  • My weight loss journey is about growth, not perfection

  • I decide what food/ exercise serve me best

  • I get to decide my weight goal

  • I love my body- therefore, I take care of/ protect my body

  • My goals matter

  • I’m worthy of being at my ideal weight

These are just some examples. You get to decide what thoughts are real for you and serve you best.

I’m glad to help you uncover some of your unconscious thinking about food, weight, and your body during a complimentary consultation and get you headed towards your goal. Email: to set up a 20-30 minute call.