The One Belief That Will Fuel Your Commitment To Lose Weight

I often site “commitment” as the key ingredient for successful weight loss. Commitment can be defined as
”dedication to a cause”. I often refer to it as an “unwillingness to quit on oneself”. I emphasize the importance of commitment in your weight loss journey because my committed clients find ways to succeed versus reasons to quit.

Behind commitment is an underlying thought that is important to examine. It’s the belief (a thought you think over and over) that “you are worth it”. You are worth supporting. You are worth working hard for. You are worth enduring discomfort for. If you don’t believe “you’re worth it”- you won’t have a reason not to quit.

So before embarking on a weight loss plan, I encourage you to decide if you truly believe “you’re worth it”. If you decide ahead of time that “you matter “and “your dreams and goals matter”, you’re much more likely to stay dedicated to your cause.

I’m glad to help uncover some of your conscious and/or unconscious beliefs that may be keeping you from reaching your weight goal. Email me: to schedule a free mini coaching session. We’ll strategize about getting you to your weight goal once and for all.