Creating Emotion To Achieve Our Weight Goal
The desire to “feel a certain way” is the reason we do EVERYTHING we do. Feelings start in the brain and are vibrations we feel in the body. ALL feelings are caused by thoughts.
Take a moment to think about what you want. Then go a layer deeper and ask yourself what you really, really, want. Finally, ask yourself how you believe you’ll feel when you get what you want. You’ll find that in every case, it’s the feeling you desire. that’s great news when you consider our feelings come from our thoughts, which we get to choose. Say you want to lose weight because you imagine you’ll feel empowered, confident, and proud when you achieve that goal. It’s a very powerful realization to know those feelings are available to you right now. Learning how to create those feelings by deliberately choosing thoughts that generate those feelings, will help you achieve your goal. It is exactly those emotions we imagine we’ll have after achieving our goal, that actually gets us to our goal. AMAZING!
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