Why You DON'T Need To Be More "Disciplined" To Lose Weight
Many clients tell me at the beginning of their weight loss journey that the reason they aren’t at their weight goal is because they lack “self discipline”. The definition of discipline is: “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience”. This, is actually, the opposite of how I coach my clients, and they come to know this throughout the course of my eight week program. However, many of them start out with this idea that they need to be more “strict” with themselves.
What I coach my clients towards is “self trust”. This concept can be summed up as a relationship with one’s self where:
1. They clearly define values
2. They decide on goal
3. They make a plan
4. They execute the plan
5. If they don’t follow the plan the person examines with compassion and curiosity and tries again or revises plan (not goal)
6. Punishment and/ or quitting aren’t options
This is a skill we can choose to practice. The first step is having a loving relationship with yourself- which means thinking loving thoughts about yourself under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. This doesn’t mean making excuses. This means having an attitude of being “for” yourself and loyal to yourself. If you’d like to be coached on developing self trust, contact me for a FREE mini session- lparkes@lightenup4ever.com.