Three Things To Know To Empower Yourself In Your Weight Loss Journey
You want to lose weight to feel better, but end up feeling worse every time you try because you’re trying to change actions without understanding what’s driving your actions. You tried using willpower, which eventually ran out. You quit on yourself, deciding that NOT reaching your goal would be less painful than creating an inner war with yourself.
If this accurately describes your weight loss efforts, know you’re not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. There is a way to be on your own team and truly come from a place of empowerment to lose weight.
The following are three things to know that will empower you in your weight loss journey.
You DO have control over your results. Despite past failed attempts, know that when you get your mind (conscious and unconscious) and body cooperating with your intentions, you become unstoppable in creating the weight loss results you desire.
Understanding yourself from a place of curiosity and compassion is key. If you judge, blame, or shame yourself, you won’t become truly honest with yourself and be able to grow in the areas that are required to succeed. Most of us are responding to unconscious thoughts we don’t even know we’re having.
When we understand WHY we do what we do, the action can easily be changed. Until then, fixes are temporary. The WHY is always a conscious/unconscious thought that is causing our unwanted actions/ behaviors.
I’d be glad to help you strategize about your particular situation during a free mini coaching session. Email me: to schedule a 20 minute call.