"Why Can't I Have A Body Like Natalie's?"- Why Thoughtwork Is Key For Permanent Weight Loss

Today, I left my exercise class and ran into one of my super svelte, fit friends who was was waiting to take the next class. The first words that popped out of my mouth were, “why can’t I have a body like yours?”…. “AND you’re SO FAST!”. The moment I spoke those words, I felt a pit in my stomach. I knew those words were opposed to my soul.

I reviewed the conversation on my way home and journaled about it during my morning routine (the 15-30 minutes I spend getting my thoughts straight first thing each morning). My first reaction, as I started examining what happened, was the thought, “you should know better- you’re a weight coach”. That thought produced a feeling of judgement, and I know nothing positive comes from judgement, so I decided to examine myself with compassion and curiosity instead. I asked myself why I wanted Natalie’s body. Did I think I would be “happier”? More free? More powerful? Faster? Did I feel like I was “not enough” and had to wish for something more? I came to the conclusion that I was feeling like “not enough”. Part of me knows “I’m enough”, but it’s very easy for me to slip back into “not enough” thinking. I have to consciously and deliberately appreciate things about myself to keep an “abundant” mindset. When I do this, I care for my body and pay attention to my body. I’m more in tune with my body’s true hunger and choose nourishing food. When I’m entertaining “not enough” thoughts, I’m more likely to reject my body, ignore my body, and try to fill internal voids with external things (example: trying to use food to feel better emotionally).

The next time you’re experiencing “not enough” thinking, I hope you recall my personal story and remember you have options to think new thoughts. Appreciation lists and gratitude lists are useful ways to create an abundant mindset.

If you’d like more help with thoughtwork and empowering yourself through creating and abundant mindset, email me: lparkes@lightenup4ever.com.