The Morning Routine

The Morning Routine

I like to start out by introducing a "morning routine" as a way of giving to yourselfWhat you give, you will receive. It's a way of cooperating with yourself to reach your full potential. Why is this important for weight loss? When we get the inside right, the outside follows.

It's important the you incorporate the practices that are useful for you. Whatever allows you to connect with your true self first thing in the day. I'll describe some practices that are useful for me, but, you decide what your morning routine will look like.

Gratitude List- I take a few minutes to write down five or more things I'm grateful for

Breathing Meditation- I dedicate five minutes to practice breathing. I focus on inhaling and exhaling. For me, it's simply a time I turn off my mind and get in tune with my breath.

Goal Review- I write the main goal I'm focusing on at the time on an index card. I include the "what", "when", "why", and "how". Each day I read it out loud. I picture myself at my goal and let myself feel how I imagine I'll feel once I achieve the goal.

10 Things I Believe- I keep a list of 10 things I believe about myself, others, and the world.

Examples include: I believe I am good, worthy, and capable. I believe empowerment comes from taking responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I believe I'm most powerful when I'm connected to my true nature. I believe compassion moves me towards myself and others, and judgement separates me. I believe I'm a loved, growing, human being. I believe I'm 100% lovable and so is everyone else on the planet, regardless of behavior.

How Did I Make Myself Proud Yesterday?- I make a list of all the ways I make myself proud the day before. They're small things, and large things...having to do with health/ weight...or not. I'm not skimpy here. Then, I examine the thoughts, feelings, actions, that led to those results.

Where Do I Want to Improve?- This list includes areas I'd like to improve- maybe areas I didn't show up how I'd like, or in a way that wasn't aligned with my goals. Again, I examine the thoughts, feelings, and actions that led to those results.

What Do I Appreciate About Myself?- It might be uncomfortable to answer this question at first, but it's an opportunity to train our brain to see, "what's right", vs. "what's wrong". Write all the things.

What Do I Appreciate About Others?- Again, it's training our brain to be appreciative vs. critical. Critical thoughts about ourselves or others will not produce positive results in our lives and don't promote connection with our true nature.

How Can I Support Myself On My Journey Today?- It's always my job to support myself. The support I receive from others is "bonus".

How Can I Support Myself On My Journey This Week?- This question prompts me to look ahead and plan for what I need in the week ahead.

You can try the ideas I've mentioned, which take approximately 15 minutes total, or come up with your own ideas that best serve you. Again, the purpose of The Morning Routine is to get in tune with our true selves and start cooperating with ourselves to create the life we desire. 

To learn more empowerment tools, that will transform you from the inside out, contact me: