100% Commitment
Anytime we want to grow- to stretch ourselves in some way- it takes commitment to the process. By commitment, I mean a decision ahead of time that you’re not going to quit on yourself, regardless of anything you might feel.
I'll explain why commitment is the key to this process. Getting to your goal weight and staying there, is going to be challenging and uncomfortable. You will feel a lot of feelings you don’t want to feel- fear, shame, discouragement- just to name a few. If you’re not 100%, fully committed to this process, you will quit. Guaranteed. The only way you will be successful in anything that challenges you, is if you're all in for feeling discomfort, and realize it's a process of wins and defeats.
We celebrate the wins, and learn from the defeats (so they’re not really defeats at all) and move on. We don’t make the defeats mean anything about us. It is just part of the process. And as long as we’re learning, we’re right on track.
A really important part of commitment is knowing your "why". Your "why" has to be compelling. It has to be inspiring, irresistible, and captivating. Weak reasons and boring reasons won’t cut it. Only you get to decide if your reason is compelling, but make sure you test it out and see what kinds of feelings your reason generates for you.
If we want to have freedom from overeating and being overweight, we have to be willing to give food up as we know it. We have to be committed to creating enjoyment, pleasure, and comfort in our lives, rather than relying on food to provide those things.
It takes being willing to feel worse before feeling better. Withdrawing from flour and sugar for a period of time is to be expected. All the feelings you aren’t used to feeling because you’ve been coping with life using food, will come to the surface.
Your results won’t be fast. You have to be committed to the process even when there isn’t immediate gratification. You’ll be setting yourself apart from the crowd. You’ll no longer be eating/ drinking spending your time like the majority of people.
If your reason isn’t compelling and your commitment level isn’t 100%, you won’t be able to push through the discomfort I just described. If you stay committed, you will feel unsurpassed confidence, joy, and pride- you will become UNSTOPPABLE.