What Is Self Indulgent Behavior And Why We Want To Avoid It

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Self Indulgence dulls our desire for excellence. It is anything that prevents us from doing our jobs well. It damages our trust with ourselves.

When self indulgence becomes a habit, we live with the heavy weight of defeat. It demoralizes us. We don’t do our work with honor and dignity.

The root of self indulgence is our governing beliefs. Our beliefs that giving into our visceral cravings brings happiness. Our belief that reacting to impulse is in our best interest.

So what does bring true happiness? Becoming a careful manager of our mental and physical energy. We decide what our roles are and then intentionally plan our mental focus and activities in accordance with those roles. We become professionals in our relationships, as guardians of our health, and as business people.

What about emotions? Is there a place for them in living a life of excellence? YES! Emotion is extremely useful in leading a productive life. We don’t react to emotion, we respond to emotions using our intellectual reasoning- asking ourselves what we are feeling, why we’re feeling it, and how we want to respond to the facts in a way that honors our long term commitments.

If self indulgent behavior (reacting aimlessly, rather than carefully planning action and responding to negative emotion) has become a way of life for you and you feel defeated, there’s hope. My 12-Week Mind Body Transformation Program is all about cultivating trust with yourself. You will be free from the weight of defeat once and for all. Sign up for a strategy session to get started on your journey towards freedom and empowerment today.