What's Up With Carb's Bad Rep?

Do carbs make you fat? The simple answer is, "yes, if you eat carbs in high amounts your body uses carbohydrates as its primary source of energy and stores fat". The tricky part is figuring out what the "high amount" threshold is for you. It's all about insulin response and everyone's insulin response is different. If you are insulin resistant, carbohydrates are producing a powerful anabolic effect on your body. 

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Desire Is Created By Thoughts

One of the most powerful thoughts we have but don't even know we're having is, "I want that". It seems like such an innocent, little thought, but even just a little thought like that perpetuates feelings of desire, and we don't even notice we're thinking that thought. Why? Because we've programmed it into our bain and repeated it so many times that it's going on beneath our conscious awareness.

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Is Food Meant To Be Exciting?

The amount of excitement we choose to get from food is entirely up to us. What matters is whether the level of excitement we're choosing is serving us, or not. When we habitually think about about food in a way that makes food seem amazingly fun and special, it can leave us in an emotionally charged trance of sorts. If we don't like the results that state is creating, we can think about it differently.

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Choosing Between False Pleasure and Well Being

When we contemplate weight loss, we want to examine the difference between living for false pleasure vs. living for the feeling of well being.  We get to choose which is most important to us- immediate relief from unwanted emotion and instant gratification, or reaching our long term weight goals. If you've been living for instant gratification/ immediate relief, I want you to know you are completely normal. Your primal brain is wired for survival, so our natural instinct is to live for these things. The good news, is that we are human, so we also have a prefrontal cortex that can override those primitive urges. It takes awareness and deliberate action, but living for long term well being can become your new "normal".

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