Mojo can be defined as sex appeal. It is your life force- your essence- and if you lose it, you lose your zest for life…your energy to make things happen. You will find yourself lacking drive, charm, creativity, and warmth. It becomes impossible to create new results for yourself. But, don’t fret if you’ve lost your mojo! You can easily regain it.
Read MoreBecause we have an awareness of death & future loss, we constantly feel threatened. We become slaves to whatever makes us gives us momentary relief. Whenever we get a hit of neurochemicals (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins), we feel momentary relief from our anxiety and stress. Therefore, we’re slaves to whatever “rings our bell”- lights up our brain with dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin. But this doesn’t mean we have to be ENSLAVED!
Read MoreWe feel calmer and more inwardly stable and whole as our thought chatter fades. When we feel calm and inwardly stable we’re able to see situations realistically and use our rational minds effectively. We eat less for emotional reasons and make better lifestyle choices from this place of strength & stability. Learning how to quiet “thought chatter” is a skill and it’s truly empowering in every aspect of our lives
Read MoreIf we want “normal” results which include obesity, divorce, debt, broken relationships, poor self esteem and a lack of self confidence…we’ll follow the crowd. If we want “exceptional” results we have to embrace “different”. The following are some ways I’ve embraced “abnormal”….and I’m really glad I did!
Read MoreThe more we exercise, eat healthy food, deep breathe and consciously slow our brains and bodies down, the better the parasympathetic nervous becomes at overriding our fight or flight tendencies that are only supposed to be used in true emergencies (other than for true emergencies, the fight or flight response is counter productive!) Making good decisions becomes instinctive with the right mind/body training!
Read MoreOur day is comprised of a series of transitions- the powerful space of freedom between activities. By changing the way we shift from one activity to the next, we can lessen our anxiety and emotional eating. We can even take it one step further and use it for setting intentions and revitalizing our energy, making us more productive and satisfied.
Read MoreDid you know optimism, confidence, persistence and strong will are NORMAL behaviors for humans by the way? We are wired to be have the stability, robustness, and resiliency to THRIVE in our pursuits. It’s only the BS beliefs we’ve adopted and the BS lifestyle that we’ve bought into that keep us from reaching our full potential!
Read MoreWe can train our brain to get better at self-control Meditation increases all of our self-control skills including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control, and self-awareness. Meditation increases blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, in much the same way that weight lifting increases blood flow to your muscles. When blood flow to the prefrontal cortex is increased, we make the most of our brain’s potential, becoming master’s of self and our destiny.
Read MoreMany of us feel like we’re not meeting our expectations in life because there’s something wrong with us. What if it’s just a matter of not using the right “energy” at the right times? What a relief to know we’re not flawed- we just need some lessons in role playing!
Read MoreMy program is all about learning to build compassion, respect, and trust with yourself while also getting your nutrition right. This is how you create permanent results for yourself!
Read MoreI’ve always said, “reaching/ maintaining your ideal weight is ALL ABOUT THE JOURNEY”. And then some people ask me what I mean by that. Here’s my answer: reaching/ maintaining your ideal weight is about BUILDING STRONG CHARACTER when done properly. It makes us more self-honest, more resilient, and more dependable. I explain how in this article.
Read MoreThe vagus nerve affects mood, is involved in making and storing memories, and is essential for social bonding and human connection. The vagus nerve has been linked to depression and anxiety. The Vagus nerve directly effects weight loss in that is responsible for triggering Leptin (the hormone that signals satiety) & Ghrelin (a hunger hormone). The Vagus nerve can be damaged by alcohol and sugar intake. There are many ways to stimulate your vagus nerve after it has been damaged.
Read MoreIt seems like everyone is into their “wine” these days. It’s become the cultural norm to numb our tough emotions, rather than addressing issues head on. There are two problems with this: 1. Drinking alcohol can take a serious toll on our health. 2. We’re not taking responsibility for listening to our emotions and addressing the issues that need to be addressed in our lives.
Read MoreThe root of self indulgence is our governing beliefs. Our beliefs that giving into our visceral cravings brings happiness. Our belief that reacting to impulse is in our best interest.
Read MoreWhen the urge to eat during stressful times is paired with the pleasure of neurotransmitters released by eating, we start to believe that that eating will alleviate symptoms of stress. Eventually our body connects eating with solving stress and/ or anxiety. I’ve developed a five step action plan that will decondition stress eating and move you into CONSTRUCTIVE action.
Read MoreThe root cause of over eating is emotional distress. And, guess what! Our emotional distress isn’t caused by anything or anyone in our past. Our emotional distress is caused by us not living living according to our own values.
Read MoreNeurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin that help mediate our moods and help us feel alive and energized are produced in our GI tract. The neural pathways that effect the transport of these chemicals between the gut and brain are activated by good gut bacteria. Therefore, it’s essential to keep our good gut bacteria alive in order to have proper mood regulation as well as energy and vitality.
Read MoreWondering how you can live life feeling confident and in control? I’ve developed a three step process that will give you the power you need to create permanent weight results- or any other outcome you’re desiring in your life.
If we’re not getting enough protein, our body will continue to cue hunger until protein requirements are reached. So, if you find not being able to feel physically satisfied, and eating more than your body requires for fuel, it may be because you’re not consuming enough high-quality protein.
Read MoreThe consequences of preserving dignity and building trust with ourselves are a strengthened life spirit, an inner sense of freedom, self respect and successful coping. We think these things come from losing weight, but in reality they come from the way we relate to ourselves.
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