Unconscious Eating
So, you polish off a bag of chips in front of the TV. You're left with an empty bag, a physically sick feeling, and the thought, "what the hell just happened?"....not to mention the guilt that's now been added to the situation, because you ate the chips you decided weren't "in your best interest" a long time ago.
You may identify with this scenario all too well, but not know how to get off this crazy train. I have a simple, one word, answer- CONSCIOUSNESS. In fact, this is the answer anytime you're driven to do something you don't want to do. Consciousness can be defined as, "paying attention to what you're thinking". As humans, it's really our greatest privilege and what sets us apart from animals- to be able to "think about what we're thinking about".
Often times "unconscious eating" occurs because we're trying to escape what's going on for us emotionally. If we're willing to feel "uncomfortable", there really isn't a time we'll need to escape our emotions. Instead we'll be able to become the watcher of our thoughts, which is the most empowered position to be in. Get curious with yourself and ask why you're feeling negative emotion. What thoughts are causing the negative emotion. Are those thoughts serving you? Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes, no....but you'll be at a higher level of humanness by paying attention to what you're thinking, and won't have the unwanted side effects of unconscious eating.
If you're interested in learning more about allowing emotion and managing thoughts, please contact me at lparkes@lightenup4ever.com.