How Dopamine Makes Some Food Addictive
What is "dopamine"? And how does it relate to weight loss??? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our brain produces to nudge us into doing things. It's the main reason we can focus and achieve. It's the ultimate motivator.
When we eat natural food, we get a hit of dopamine, which produces a pleasurable sensation. In this way, we're naturally wired to seek out food, which keeps us alive as a species. When we eat concentrated foods, like sugar and flour, it raises dopamine levels to unnatural levels. Over time, by artificially raising the amount of dopamine our brains think is normal, the sugar and flour creates a need that only they can meet. Because of this, foods that contain sugar and flour, can be truly addictive by producing "over desire".
We also get dopamine "hits" when we connect with people, achieve, create, etc. When we're caught up in the "over desire" cycle that sugar and flour produces, we're not seeking other ways to get this pleasure response that we're naturally wired for. We're not using our desire for dopamine to focus on things that produce great results in our lives.
If you spend a lot of time thinking about food, it's not because you have weak character. Realize, there may be some neurochemistry at play in your brain. I suggest eliminating sugar and flour from my client's diets as one of the ways to help them stop overeating. I can help you through the process and teach you how to cooperate with your mind and body to create permanent results. If you'd like to learn how, apply for my program by emailing me: