Tough Questions To Ask Yourself For Permanent Weight Loss Results

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“Am I trying to escape feeling negative emotion by eating?” This is a tough question to ask ourselves, but it’s one of the most powerful when it comes to losing weight for good. Many of us don’t even realize our desire to avoid negative emotion. Avoiding negative emotion by eating has just become a way of life.

What if we embraced all emotion, and realize it’s part of the human experience? All emotion has a purpose, and if we didn’t experience negative emotion, how would we know positive emotion? And remember, it’s positive emotion that moves us forward- as individuals and society.

Negative emotion seems overwhelming when we choose to fully experience it, but we can handle it. Going unconscious through eating keeps us from experiencing the negative emotion (temporarily), but it also keeps us from feeling the positive emotion that drives us towards positive actions and positive results.

When you stop eating to avoid emotion, you start living the truth of your life. You start seeing exactly what’s going on in your mind, emotions, and actions. When you stay conscious, you can evaluate these patterns in a way that motivates change. Do you want a life where you have to keep turning off the lights? My bet is that you want a life where you’re proud to keep the lights on.

I can help you through this very worthwhile process. Email me to schedule a FREE mini coaching. My schedule is filling up, so reserve your spot for July now: